It's always unfortunate when employees leave. In rare circumstances, you may be glad to see them gone. But in many cases, your employees leave even...
How Average Months on the Job Helps Measure Employee Turnover
One of the biggest problems companies of all sizes face in the current environment is employee turnover. The COVID-19 pandemic has made many...
How to Help New Employees Feel Supported During Onboarding
New employees need to feel welcomed and supported during their first few days and weeks on the job. With a structured onboarding process that...
4 Reasons Smaller Companies Need More HR Support
All companies, and small businesses specifically, must support their employees to retain them and help their company grow. Small businesses attract...
How Your Approach to HR Helps Build a Stronger Company
Too many businesses see HR as entirely an administrative function about filling out the required paperwork. However, that is not the true purpose of...
How to Know Your Quick Business Growth is Sustainable
Every business's goal is to grow, and fast growth can be incredibly exciting. It makes you feel successful, but it's too easy to mistake it to last...