A Simple Guide to Working with a PEO

PRemployer on November 14, 2019

A Simple Guide to Working with a PEO

If your small business is like nearly 70 percent  of the other small businesses in the United States, then you handle the human resources (HR) aspects on your own or you assign these tasks to another employee.

Unfortunately, chances are that you or the employee responsible for HR aren't focused solely on that part of the business. Instead, these HR functions -- which are vital to the success of your business -- and can take up more than 13 hours each week, are being squeezed in haphazardly or they're taking away time that could be spent on their primary responsibilities.

Work with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO)

If the above scenario describes your company, that's how to know you need to outsource your HR. A flexible and cost-effective solution is to work with a professional employer organization (PEO). The following steps are designed to get you started.

Determine your needs

Take a look at where your time and other resources are going in terms of HR. Do you spend a great deal of time on the hiring process, risk management, employee benefits, or payroll? Or are you looking to contract out administrative tasks, payroll, and other related needs? Being clear about what HR responsibilities are taking up the most resources can help you focus your search for a solution.

Thoroughly research options

PEOs vary in the services they provide and specialize in. Ensure that any companies you're considering offer those particular skills and how much experience they have doing so. Also consider whether they have worked in industries that are similar. Explore the company's values to determine if they match up with yours.

Meet your new PEO

Once you've decided which PEO company is the right one for your business, it's time to set up a meeting. During this meeting, you'll want to go over those items your business is struggling with. Ask if the PEO can assist you and how they will go about doing so. If you need help overall, determine which area will be tackled first. The important takeaway here is that you and your PEO are partners and their job is lifting the administrative burden.

How to work with a PEO

Now that you and your PEO have hammered out the ways your outsourcing HR, it's time to implement the new duties and workflow. It's important to keep the lines of communication open so that all expectations are met. Set up a time for a thorough assessment in a few months. Keep track of how long your HR team spends on daily operations, as well as any successes and new areas where you need assistance.

Working with a PEO company like PRemployer allows you to partner with experienced experts who put the needs of your company first. If you're looking for a comprehensive solution that can help you save time, money, and other resources that are currently being diverted away from your business, contact PRemployer  today for a quote.

PEO 101: Everything You Need to Know When Considering if a PEO is Right for Your Business

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