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Understanding the Ways PEOs Bolster Recruitment Efforts

Written by PRemployer | March 27, 2024

Recruitment is an ongoing process that requires constant improvement. Companies must attract new talent, build their employer brand, and work on internal relationships. Without investing sufficient effort in recruitment, an organization can stop being attractive to top talent – which is why it's crucial to keep that process always running. Having the personnel to handle a constant recruitment effort is difficult for many companies to achieve, but outsourcing to a trusted HR partner can bring you the help you need.

Professional employer organizations (PEO) have the expertise and experience to help their clients streamline recruitment. Businesses can elevate their strategies and become employers of choice by partnering with these service providers.

Let's look at how a PEO can streamline your recruitment efforts to achieve more within your company.

Bolster Your Recruitment with a PEO

A PEO can improve your recruitment efforts by standardizing the process and handling administrative tasks involved in adding employees to your system. Instead of processing new employees for your company, you have to alert the PEO about new team members, and your outsourcing partner handles the rest. In delegating these tasks, you gain free time to implement recruitment optimization, which can be used to improve your work culture, increase employee satisfaction, and build the employer brand.

What PEOs Handle for Company Recruitment

A professional employer organization can handle various recruitment-related tasks for your company. Some of them include:

Access to Recruitment Technology

A well-structured recruitment process relies on different technologies, from applicant tracking systems to candidate screening software. These tools can make the HR team's job easier. However, many companies don't have sufficient budgets for these tools or the time to implement them. PEOs keep up with this tech and can provide access to the latest HR technology to improve recruitment tactics and free up some time for the internal team. PEOs can boost employee satisfaction and increase productivity by speeding up recruitment workflows. 

Compliance Assurance

HR compliance is becoming more and more complicated every year. The variety of laws and regulations the company must consider during the recruitment process is significant – as are the fines for not following them. Your business must comply with HR laws regardless of its size.

One small mistake can result in significant penalties. For example, failing to complete the employer's part of Form I-9 within three days of the employee's start date can result in fines of up to $2,000. PEOs stay on top of all the local and international labor laws to ensure your business is up to date, reducing the risk of legal and reputational issues. When it comes to HR compliance, ignorance is not an adequate defense. Awareness of the laws is the best way to avoid any problems, but regulations are so complex that keeping track of changes or nuanced requirements is challenging. PEOs are HR professionals who keep track of these changes as part of their business. Leave it to the experts to manage your compliance so you can focus on what's best for your business.

Enhanced Onboarding Experience

According to recent surveys, 88% of employees say they haven't received a proper onboarding program. The main reasons are the lack of time and technology to do so. Many companies rely on internal team efforts to streamline the onboarding, burdening other team members with complex training.

A PEO can help you design and implement an efficient onboarding process. It will optimize the time spent on onboarding and maximize the new hires' productivity. It won't just improve the process itself but also increase retention rates.

Expert Recruitment Advice

The multiple stages of recruitment require continuous optimization. Catching the problem before it becomes a serious issue can be tricky, especially for HR teams overwhelmed with multiple tasks. A reliable PEO has extensive experience optimizing HR strategies for clients in different niches. Having a trusted advisor always on call can help you avoid unexpected problems and ensure continuous improvement.

Essentially, you gain access to a team of HR experts with whom you can discuss various aspects of recruitment. Together, you can make changes to the process and make the company appealing to the top candidates in the pool.

Get Time Back to Focus on Candidate Experiences

The recruitment process begins the moment a potential candidate learns about your company. Even before you make your first contact, they start making up their minds about your business. First impressions affect all aspects of the employee's journey with your company. Everything depends on how well the recruitment is structured, from interviews and onboarding to productivity and retention.

The assistance provided by the PEO can allow your team to focus on the company's outward presentation. Your HR specialists can work on the employer's brand and market the company to become an employer of choice for the top talent in the relevant field.

Improving Your HR Strategy with PEO Recruitment Assistance

Recruitment is an essential part of employee experience – after all, talented employees keep your company growing – and it requires a multifaceted approach to ensure your business always has the best amount of people. Many internal HR teams don't pay attention to continuous improvement and optimization of the recruitment process, which can affect employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

A professional employer organization can provide comprehensive assistance with several important aspects of recruitment. By sharing the necessary technology and advice while taking over administrative tasks, a PEO can help your business achieve recruitment goals.