Recruiting an employee is not cheap. We tend to think of employee costs primarily as wages and benefits, but finding the right new hire to join your...
Company 401k Tips: Why Your PEO Partner Should Handle Your Retirement Planning
Employees today want much more than just a paycheck for a day's work. They want to feel respected and supported as the individuals they are, both...
How Much Does Inefficient HR Cost You?
Human resources are part of the glue that holds your company together. If it is not running smoothly and efficiently, it can lead to problems ranging...
How to Make Employee Criticism into a Positive Experience
It would be nice if we could always be positive with employees and offer nothing but praise. However, criticism and critique are sometimes necessary,...
Keep Funds in Your Company: How PEOs Save You Money
Growing your company is a goal and a challenge. Ultimately, ensuring steady, sustainable growth is how your business becomes and remains healthy....
How to Support Employees as Their Kids Go Back to School
During the COVID-19 pandemic, 93% of households with children faced some form of distance learning. Parents had to change their schedules to...