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New Administration Means New Policies: How to Prepare Your Business

Written by PRemployer | May 13, 2021

The Biden administration continues to pursue policies that have significant consequences for employment law. In our recent, widely-viewed webinar, "Expected Employment Changes Under the New Administration," our VP of Human Resources Dan Sinas extensively covered many of the initial steps President Biden took during his first days in office. Sinas dove into an initial analysis of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act that was passed in March 2021. He also discussed the new administration's regulatory agenda, the direction of the U.S. Department of Labor, and efforts to influence the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

But there are more changes on the horizon. 

Now that some of the media and public attention American Rescue Plan Act's spending provisions have begun to subside, it's important to clearly assess the employment-related effects of this significant piece of legislation. 

In "New Administration Means New Policies: How to Prepare Your Business," led by VP Dan Sinas, we'll take a closer look at the American Rescue Plan Act. We'll also take a look at the "Protecting the Right to Organize Act," an important bill with massive ramifications for employers and workers across the country. Finally, we'll tackle pay minimum wage and pay equity matters, which have received significant mainstream attention due to high-profile gender pay disparities.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The first significant piece of legislation enacted during the Biden administration, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), was designed to help Americans deal with the coronavirus pandemic's ongoing economic and public health effects. The ARPA contained language to extend the paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act. It also changed the leave criteria, which has implications for your business.

Further, the Act alters how Emergency Paid Sick Leave is distributed and requires certain employers to offer free COBRA coverage from April 1 until September 30 of this year. There are certain tax credits available that may offset the costs of this new worker benefit. But you need to know as soon as possible whether you're obligated to provide this coverage, and how much it will cost you.

The Protecting the Right to Organize Act

Fully supported by the Biden administration, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is a bill that would upend currently established labor law across the country. Not only would it overturn Right-to-Work laws in dozens of states, but it would cede rights typically held by employers to unions. Union activists are working hard to secure its passage and have garnered some high-profile support. Because the Act has captured mainstream attention, you need to know what the PRO Act could mean for your business.

Raising the Minimum Wage

Raising the minimum wage is a policy priority of the Biden administration. An esoteric Senate procedure prevented a minimum wage increase from being included in the ARPA, but there is bipartisan support for increasing the federal minimum wage. Along with potential wage hikes, some policy proposals have broader long-term labor cost implications for employers, which the webinar will cover.

Pay Equity Initiatives

Hollywood's actresses and female athletes have shone a spotlight on cases of gender pay disparities. But do these cases mirror the labor force at large? And would the solutions on the table solve the problems they are designed to fix or create new ones instead? VP Sinas will discuss the facts behind the pay equity debate and assess what popular policy proposals would mean for you.

President Biden has not been shy about calling for a bold pro-worker agenda — an agenda that often puts him on a collision course with employers. He's also not been hesitant to take action, and with the current power dynamics of Washington, he's inclined to take more action as quickly as possible. 

As a business owner or senior manager, you need to know now what the new reality of Washington may mean for your business in the days to come.  Watch "New Administration Means New Policies: How to Prepare Your Business" today to keep yourself and informed about proposed and impending employment law changes and their ramifications for your business.